welcome to the largest travel blog about africa

All you need to know about a safari in Africa

Safaris are the symphony of the wild,
where each rustle of grass and trumpet of an elephant harmonize
to create a melody that resonates with the soul.

Best safari experiences in Africa

- according to me -

Start your safari with the right foot

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Be connected at all times with an e-SIM. My top recommendation for Africa is the African package of

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Dry season means hotter temperatures but better wildlife sightseeing. Wet season means gorgeous landscape but less elephants.

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Safaris are some of the most expensive experiences in the world. If I had to choose, I would prefer better value and less days, than more days, but less quality.

My favorite stories about conservation

latest stories about safari experiences

Find out the best tour for you



I write, photograph, eat and see weird places for a living. Either on my way to learn how to cook ramen in Japan or to hike up volcanoes in Nicaragua, I feel joy and excitement when sitting on a plane to a new place. 

Very proud visiting almost 100 countries with a Colombian passport and hungry for more. 

Camera for Safari


Sony A7 RII

Lens for safaris


Sigma 150-600 2.8